I'm meeting an old friend, D, for dinner on Sunday. I call him "Prof" because he's the only real professor I can truly call my friend. I remember my initial impression of him when we first met. It was not good. I wasn't impressed with his credentials. In fact, I thought him overrated. Additionally, like all typical "ang-mohs", he was unsubtly attracted to J. "How cliche" I thought at that moment. I decided I wanted nothing to do with him.
Well, I am glad that D's persistance in trying to know J better allowed me to change my opinion of him. Turns out, we're a lot more similar than I first thought. We both spent our last two years of high school in London. (Me - at music school. Him - international school when his dad moved to London on diplomatic duties.) We're both academically inclined, getting good grades in the best schools. We both love art and good music of all genres, including classical music. And, most importantly, we both love an intelligent conversation.
For those two years he was in Spore, his presence was a blessing. He made me feel connected to my Boston days where me and a bunch of kids would trade smart-alec remarks with one another, trash Harvard kids, and debate science and statistics endlessly. I could do that with him whilst he was around. Alas, he has moved back to California doing real rocket scientist work.
I am really looking forward to Sunday's dinner. I can't wait to hear stories of his new found love as well as his recent adventure travels. I also can't wait to pick up more factoids such as bits of info like geo-stationary orbit. After all, these make great party quips!
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