... because I have absolutely no control over the photos of moi that gets posted on facebook. Especially ugly photos of me with double chins and what-nots.... While I might be kind of cruising in life and seemingly unperturbed with what's going on, at this present moment, I cannot afford bad photos of myself to be circulating within my social circle.
The best step I could take was to deactivate the account. I will wait for the moment in time when facebook wisens up to the fact that friends can post "incriminating" (well, at least for me it's ugly photos, but there is no stopping someone from posting photos of another person cheating or doing very unbecoming acts) photos of another and puts a stop to that. Seriously....
For me, I'd give a scowl whenever someone whips out a camera. Because of that, I've not figured much in photos and that made things easier for me on Facebook. - D W
Well, DW, you're a guy. And most men I know aren't avid posers in front of cameras unless they're Mr. Universe contestants. So, that scowl of yours is kind of expected. Having said that, I do notice that one of the few times men take photos of one another is when they're pissed drunk and snapping away at one another's antics. And the poor sod will only see those photos of his at his wedding when his best men are showing a photo montage of the couple. I betcha that almost every guy is saving some "incriminating" photo of his friend to be used and displayed at an appropriate time!
Anyway, I actually do like taking photos. I'm a nostalgic girl (probably shouldn't live so much in the past but...), and for me, photos with my pals are a record of the shared memories of the time spent together. They aren't neccessarily the best of times, but they're momentous. So, I'll keep on taking photos. I just don't like the fact that I may not and do not have control over who gets to view them.
That's a pet peeve of mine... I have a friend who will only put up photos of her where she looks stunning and the rest of us looked like we crawled out from the alley.
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