Monday, April 13, 2009


I am at an impasse with regards to writing. Not that I haven't been writing, mind you. I have attempted to pen down my thoughts these past three months, but each time I spurt out a couple of sentences, the words screech to a halt. They refuse to be cajoled, enticed, lured out of the corners of my mind. I am at a deadlock, a standstill. I am suffering from a classic case of writer's block.

I had thought that when things settled down, the words would come back to me. It hasn't. Then again, my life is still as muddled as ever. Too many things stimulating the mind, the body and the soul. Which, should be a good thing isn't it?

So for now, all I can pen down is my frustration at not being able to succinctly express the exhilaration I am enjoying right now, the pleasure of some what living dangerously.

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