Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Of snobs, British men....and kisses

Put a bunch of half-drunk thirty-something girls together, and the talk invariably veers towards the topic of men. Men we like, men we don't. Men who hurt us, and men we hurt. Men whom we love to get it on with, and men who are completely clueless at kissing. Hurm. Wait, that last statement applies to all men. Ok, all straight men. There is a distinct possibility that a gay guy might have the right knee-buckling-inducing pair of lips, but since I've never had the fortune of being at the receiving end of one of those kisses, I can safely say (after conducting a short survey among the girlfriends) that a proper kiss from a heterosexual man is an impossibility. I'm still looking for that perfect kiss though. I've had way too many slobbering, missed their aim, too hard, too soft, too much tongue, too little tongue and generally clueless kisses.

Which brings me to move on to the topic of British men. Six and a half years living in London should have netted me many British dates. But alas no. I count only three - a cellist, a violinist and a pianist. The pianist proposed marriage after a month of knowing me, and the last I heard he was shacking up with another man some where off Notting Hill, London. Oh well. English musicians aside, I do realize I have a thing for British actors. Starting from the ridiculous crush I had on David Bowie in Labyrinth at age ten, till now, when the mention of Ewan McGregor, Christian Bale and Clive Owen gets my heart pounding. There is some thing about the raw sexiness they exude, their intense brooding stares. My girlfriends think I'm insane to go for men with such an edge... I believe the word they used was "animalistic". Erm, it's just a desire... A girl can fantasize can't she?

Anyhow, in our drunken discussion on men and kisses, I was labelled a snob. How this computes is beyond me. Golly, I'm still knotting my brows in bewilderment. I do not have a single snobbish bone in me. Yes, I can be rather uncompromising about what I want, but that stems from simply knowing who I am and what I'm made of. Settling for anything that doesn't fit or sit right with me is kind of silly. But, that doesn't mean that I make my choices and decisions based on some sort of lofty ideal. Then again, after being dragged to the movies to watch Twilight and swooning over Edward Cullen, I was rather tempted to pick up the Twilight series to read, only to hesitate because that would mean that I was doing what everyone else was doing. I can't allow myself to be that common. Hmm, maybe I am a snob after all.

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