Monday, May 30, 2011

Only when you give it a chance

Tomorrow will be my last full day in London. I am reminded that I would travel back here many more times but I still feel a sense of loss. If I put these 3 months together with the rest of the time I lived here, it would amount to 7 years. Yet this trip is special. Because it belongs to me and me only - not like when I was in college and there was a huge community or when I was working here and living with LC. They were amazing times, but this feels more intimately "me".

Hmm... to explore London, to walk the small lanes, sit in those tiny gardens alone... To find the small things that make the place unique to me... I think I understand why I call this place home. It is not because I know everything there is about the city, but that the city affords me a certain peace. It never makes me feel like I don't belong.

Being here brings me back to the time when I was 12, when everything was ok. It is a very special feeling that can't be explained. Most people view London with disdain, but when you experience the quiet that is London, presented to those that give it time, you will be rewarded.

Like with everything, you need to give it chance. Do not expect to be wowed or impressed for those things flash away and never last. It is what you spend effort knowing, understanding and loving that will be rewarded. After all, nothing good comes at the snap of the fingers. The only heartwarming things come when you give it a chance.

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